Chlorine Drums
Chlorine Drums
Chlorine Drums Expiry Dates
By law all chemical containers cannot be refilled after 5 years.
It is the shops/pool technicians’ responsibility to make sure that their drums are checked upon return and inside the date range required.
This can be indicated by the date stamp located on the bottom of the drum

Chlorine Containers handling and re-filling
The handling and re-filling chlorine drums is a major Work Health and Safety (WHS) issue. Chemicals can be highly volatile and should be handled with care.
Always carefully read the instructions on the packaging… Never mix chemicals and never mix liquid chlorine with dry chlorine or any type of acid – these have the potential to cause an explosion.
Damaged drums
Further to this we will seize defective or damaged drums for the proper disposal at the local chemical waste facility that accepts these drums. All drums received will not be refund or exchanged. This includes but is not limited to the following:
- Split drums
- Leaking drums
- Drums that have been drilled to allow for a tap
- Drums with unidentified substances in them (not chlorine)
- Drums with debris or other rubbish in them can incur a disposal fee
For these situation, you will be required to purchase a new drum for liquid chlorine purchases.
Please ensure you are checking all returned drums, before sending them back to us here as you have a duty of care to ensure you are not placing us, anyone in danger and harm.